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Identity Politics

Identity Politics

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Korean Society and Identity

  • Created 2022.09.23
  • Writer관리자
  • Views309

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Korean Society and Identity



Seong Jin Kim / Dept. of Political Science and International Studies, Duksung Women’s University



With the development of society, many types of differences within a society are found. Gender discrimination, discrimination against foreigners according to the increase of migrants and refugees, and conflicts over ideology are some examples. Following globalization and democratization, Korean society also faces the task of preventing differences from becoming discrimination. This lecture helps you understand Korean society by learning about Korean identities and theoretically examines Korean society's problems through many case studies.


 Week  Title
 1 Difference and Democracy
 2 Identity Theory
 3 Identity and Social Security
 4 Identity and Regionalism
 5 Online Feminism
6 Women's Participation in Society
7 Migration/ Multiculturalism
8 Women’s Migration / Marriage Migration
9 Refugees and Identity Conflict
10 Korean Society and Identity