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Identity Politics

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

(Lecture included) Formation and Development of Korean Society in the Former Soviet Union

  • Created 2024.02.06
  • Writer관리자
  • Views91

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Course Title: Formation and Development of Korean Society in the Former Soviet Union


Professor : Dongki Sung


Course Overview :

This course traces the historical footsteps of the Korean people, another Eurasian ethnic group living in the former Soviet Union. We will understand their great history through the migration and resettlement history of the Koreans who were forced to move from DPRK to Central Asia by Stalin in 1937. Understand the renewed migration and resettlement of Koreans after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


Course Schedule
(Click on the titles below)


Week 1

After the 13th Year of Cheoljong in 1863 

Week 2

The Korean Migration 

Week 3

Stalin and Koreans in DPRK

Week 4

The beginning and end of forced migration

Week 5

New resettlement processes in Central Asia 

Week 6

How did Koreans successfully resettle in Central Asia? 

Week 7

How did the Soviet Union's iconic Byeonghwa collective farms come to be?

Week 8

How did the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 affect Korean society?

Week 9

How did the third Korean migration unfold?

Week 10

How do Koreans live in South Korea today?
