마이애미 거주 쿠바계 한인들의 연쇄/초국적 모빌리티와 도시 경험 (배진숙)
- 작성일 2024.09.09
- 작성자관리자
- 조회수246

This article examines the serial migration experiences and racial and ethnic identities of Korean Cuban Americans, focusing especially on those who have resided or currently reside in Miami, Florida. This research first examines the motives for Korean Cubans’ serial migratory movements from Korea to or within the Americas. Based on the results of questionnaire surveys, it also analyzes Korean Cubans’ formation of their ethnic identities, considering the urban landscape of the metropolitan Miami area. Participants noted that Miami’s well-developed Cuban cultural environment was conducive for forming and maintaining their identity as Cubans. However, some were discriminated against by non-Korean Cubans in Miami because of their appearance as Asian or mixed individuals. It is expected that this article, by shedding light on serial migration and urban experiences among the underrepresented segments of Cuban and Korean diasporas, will contribute to a multifaceted and deeper understanding of the experiences of both Latino and Asian diasporas.
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마이애미_거주_쿠바계_한인들의_연쇄초국적_모빌리티와_도시_경험.jpg (123.7KB / 다운로드 4회) 다운로드