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International Relations

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

(Lecture included) Parliamentary Politics in Korea

  • Created 2024.02.06
  • Writer관리자
  • Views70

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Course Title : Parliamentary Politics in Korea


Professors : Jun-Young Choi


Course Overview :

This course aims to provide a better understanding of the organization and operation of the Korean National Assembly in general since the country's democratization in 1987. In this lecture, the composition and functioning of the National Assembly will be discussed by focusing on two aspects: the institution of the National Assembly and the behavior of political actors operating within the institution. By examining the interplay between institutions and the behavior of political actors, the growth and limitations of the Korean National Assembly will be explored.


Course Schedule
  (Click on the titles below)  
Week 1 Introduction to the Korean National Assembly
Week 2

The National Assembly Election System

Week 3

Recruitment of Members of Parliament

Week 4

Parliamentary Organization and Leaders

Week 5

The National Assembly Standing Committee System

Week 6

The National Assembly Legislative Process

Week 7

The Parliamentary Budget Process

Week 8

Parliament as a Check on the Executive

Week 9

Parliament and the Judiciary

Week 10

Parliamentary Ethics and Campaign Finance
