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Understanding of Koreans in Japan

  • Created 2022.09.22
  • Writer관리자
  • Views349

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Understanding of Koreans in Japan



Seok Won Song / Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, Kyung Hee University



Each story of overseas Koreans might be their personal history, but at the same time, their stories constitute a strong root of Korean history. Looking at the lives of Koreans in Japan will help us understand a vital aspect of the global Koreans' dynamics. In addition, the existence of Koreans in Japan also occupies an important place in modern Korean history and modern Korea-Japan relations. Thus, in this lecture, we examine the formation background of Koreans in Japan, their ways of life, and their relationship with the homeland.


 Week  Title
 1 Koreans in Japan in the History of Korean Immigration
 2 Imperialism and the Koreans in Japan
 3 Zainichi Koreans in Post-war Japan
 4 Life and Discrimination of Post-war Zainichi Koreans
 5 Areas Where Koreans in Japan are Concentrated
6 Zainichi Korean Literature
7 Building Relationshps Between Koreans in Japan and the Korean Peninsula
8 Zainichi Korean Between Hallyu and Anti-Korea
9 Korea-Japan Relations and Zainichi Koreans
10 Development of Zainichi Korean Society

